Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fresh Hot Corn Tortillas

I never thought to make my own tortillas. They are super inexpensive at the store and quite tasty but one day I needed corn flour for a chili recipe and then I was stuck with 5lbs of it after needing 2 Tablespoons. It was then time to buy a tortilla press- no need to waste the flour.

I wouldn't make them every time I had a taco craving but they are really delicious and worth the effort.

Maseca Brand Corn Masa Flour
16 Tortillas ( instructions on back of package with some good tips from me)
2 Cups Flour
1 1/4 cups water
1/4 tsp salt

First combine the flour with 1/4 tsp salt and the 1 1/4 cups of water. Mix with your hands for about 2 minutes and add more water by the Tablespoon at a time if its super dry. Just squeeze the dough, if it forms into the shape of your hand your good to go. You can always add a little more water later on.
Then cover the bowl with a wet towel and let sit for 20 minutes or so. If you are pressed for time you can skip on the waiting and go right to dividing the dough.
Divide into 16 balls and with a damp towel, keep dough moist. Then using a ziplock bag- cut the bag apart into 2 sheets and line your tortilla press. Place each ball between the plastic and press down until the tortilla measures about 5 inches.

I like to take the bottom sheet with the tortilla and flip directly into a cast iron pan. Grill on one side for about 1 minute until the tortilla comes loose and flip to the other side. It becomes a little dry and crackly- that's good, then flip!

You can premake these by putting them in a cloth in a container with a lid to heat up later on. I would advise making these in advance and make a few extra because some of them tend to break!

To reheat- I just pop them in the microwave for about 1 min and they are good to go.

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